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Wednesday 7 March 2012

We made it to Rotary, in one of the most exciting venues we have ever attended! Adelaide Oval, where many crack batsmen and bowlers have made their name including Don Bradman, is a superb cricket ground, and worth a visit in itself. Almost new, it is already undergoing changes to make it even better, there must be a lot of money in cricket here!

Rotary is massive in Adelaide- there are 54 clubs in the city and it's environs, the club we attended was the mother of them all, the Adelaide club. Formed in 1923, there are over 200 members, of which 10% are female, and we were hosted by a charming lady. The speakers were a couple of ladies who organise respite care with families for children who perhaps are in care, or have single parents who don't provide good role models. It is a great idea that I first heard of here 30 years ago, and why don't encourage it at home I don't know. I was able to give greatings from our club and present a banner, and received a banner in exchange. The fellowship was great, as we have found in all the clubs here.

A short walk away is the Cathedral, a very impressive edifice created in 1880, and extended massively in 1906-8. But there have been many additions since then, right up to the present day, the clerestory windows were replaced by stained glass in a modern design just in the last decade, and the pews are only 20 years old.

The screen behind the Altar was one of the most beautiful I have seen in an Anglican Church, and the whole atmosphere was warm, unlike many of our cathedrals. I am afrraid that this photo does not really do it justice, but take my word for it, the carving was exquisite.
It was created by a company in Exeter, and gifted to the Cathederal I beleive by the Archdiocese of Canterbury.

Evening of course found us back at the fringe, where we attended a performance by the Right Dishonourable Dickie Daventry, who regaled us with stories of his childhood and his political career, in particular his time as a minister with Margaret Thatcher. (Personally I don't think he has ever seen the inside of Westminster in his life!) He was very amusing, reasonably clean, and took the p*** out of politicians and the audience!

Later we attended an amazing performance by four blokes sitting round a table. Mainly percussion, the music that they made was very different, with wine glasses, strings, a penny whistle and a digeridoo they entertained us for an hour in a small circus tent.
There were hundreds of people milling around the 'Garden of Unearthly Delights' , really lively, we will be there again this evening at another couple of shows.

But today we will find time to see a little more of this beautiful city, and report back.

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