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Tuesday 20 March 2012

A few day's rest??

Or what might have been followed our day out at the Highland Games in Geelong. In fact we worked even harder cleaning Betty ready for the next stage of our trip. But back to Geelong...
A super day at the games, meeting many ex-pats from the north of England and Scotland, and witnessing the Skirl of the pipes, Scottish country dancing, as well as battle re-enactments and heavy games such as caber tossing and shot putting.

There was a pipes and drums marching competition of some of the many bands in this area, some from as far as two hundred KM away, all were really good, probably as good as many in Scotland itself.

Young girls took part in country dancing, in pairs and groups, and they were really excellent, or seemed to be by my judgement, but I'm no expert.

But we really enjoyed the heavy games, competitors from as far away as New Zealand and New South Wales putting the 2 stone shot, tossing the caber, I don't think I could even lift the things!

What with haggis and black pudding for lunch what could be a better finish to that section of our adventure!

Crossing the mouth of Port Philip bay by ferry took us to the Mornington Peninsula ( see map below) where my cousin Barbara and husband Dave live. What a welcome!

However we had to get down to work- stripping Betty completely for the first time since we put her together last August to give her a really good clean, and taking her for an equally good service and checkover. She of course passed with flying colours, she's a great old bird! Now we only have to put her back together before we move on on Saturday, up through the parks and mountains of Victoria, following the upper Murray River to Canberra.
Also this week we have to book our passage to Malaysia and Bangkok for the convention in May, a lot to do as well as see all the family here. So it isn't much of a few day's rest........

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