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Monday 12 March 2012

Ferry across the

backstairs passage, the route from Cape Jervis to Kangaroo Island, is by Sealink Ferry believe it or not, roll on roll off. Just 45 minutes each way, it is rather expensive at about £240. However we are told that the island is well worth it for the wildlife alone.
The Cape is around 120k south of Adelaide, so we had an early start, Arriving there we found that the ferry was full to capacity, a squeeze to get on. However, watching the Road Trains going on was an education, these things have a tractor and two huge trailers, and they just roll on backwards as though it was nothing! I can't even reverse Betty as well as that!

The island is 155k long, and around 35k wide at it's widest point,and very lush. We had decided to go along the island at least to the centre for our first night, so we camped at Stokes Bay. A bit rough- no showers, very basic.
Kangaros were all around us- dozens of them, and Tammar Wallabies, a species particular to the island and only found in very small pockets in Western Australia other than here, abound.They have an unusual smooth coat, and stand about two foot tall.  Many are very tame, and will eat out of one's hand- we found out the following day that feeding them is frowned upon as it makes them reliant on tourists.

The beautiful beach was only accessible through a long cave system, not many people on it, and the sea, although inviting, was a little cold for my tastes. No sea snakes or sharks here we understand, but quite windy, the nearest landfall south is Antartica, and west is Brazil!

We are back in the roof tent for three nights, and found it cold for the first time since leaving the Great North Road up from Perth, so out come the thick pyjamas instead of the sleeping shorts!

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