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Wednesday 14 March 2012

Along the Limestone Coast

Over the last couple of days we have travelled south from Goolwa to Mount Gambia, along the coast of southeast South Australia, ( see location- below). The first few miles involved the circumnavigation of Lake Alaxandrina, a large freshwater lake near the mouth of the Murray River, which you will remember drains many of the Eastern states of Australia.Ot one point we had to cross the Murray, there are few bridges on the lower Murray, so we crossed by a free ferry, about 150 mtrs across. The service was started as early as 1846, and has continued uninterrupted since then, working 24 hours nowadays, paid for by the Oz government.

By the side of the river is an old inn, reputed to be the oldest continually licensed in South Australia, since 1848,so we stopped off and had a coffee just to see what it was like. Not a lot different from many others we had been in!

Lower down the coast there is a narrow peninsula of sand dunes which runs parralel with the coastline for some 110 miles, sometimes as close as 300 yards, sometimes as much as a mile. There are some beautiful coves along here, with many interesting features!

This evening we attended Mount Gambia Rotary Club, heard a talk about the integration of refugees from Burma and the Congo, and how football and gardenng were being used to teach English and help integrate them into Mount Gambian society. As usual I presented a banner, and gave a talk about RIBI and our district, as well of course our club.

It has been an extremely hot day, even the wind which came up mid afternoon was scorching, to the extent that I had to go in the swimming pool! But now it has started to rain with a vengeance, a cool change was forecast and it has arrived! Hopefully though it will clear for the morning, we have plans to do a bit of walking round the lake close by here.

On the way down we spotted another "Wicked" camper..........

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