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Sunday 11 March 2012

Day 3

of our soujourn in Adelaide commenced with a trip to an art gallery, in pursuance of an aboriginal snake or lizard that we had seen in Broome, and were unable to buy. No luck- we have tried everywhere we have been, and all we can get is tin ones or paintings- we want a wooden multi coloured one. We'll keep trying.
I have said before what a great city this is- we have now had time to see alittle more of it. Many of the buildings are from the late 1800s, including the parliament building, and a lovely arcade originally built with small shops on the ground floor and workrooms above. A sort of upmarket Lowther Arcade in Carlisle.Nowadays they have removed many of the stairs that were in each shop, and the upper floor are Dentists, Opticians etc, while the ground floor has many boutique shops of great character.
The streets are filled with artists, wherever we go we find people singing, dancing, juggling or just playing instruments as this guy is- he has a diggerido and tom-toms, and is managing to produce a great sound. This is all part of the festival of course, which is why we are here!
In the evening we took in two shows- the first- the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre, was just a little wierd- one guy with a Punch & Judy stall and two socks in kilts, speaking falsetto- hmmm... unusual, some good humour, some wierd bits. Didn't quite know what to make of some of it. But for wierdness- well our next show takes the buscuit! We were looking for something to finish off with and the young lady in the booking office suggested we may like the show she had seen the previous evening. Well! It was in a long sloping upward stage, at which we were sat at the foot. Three guys came on sliding down backwards towards us in white overalls, with socks on their boots, and it got worse from there. We had been warned there was no story to it- nor was there any sense!
Anyway- tomorrow onwards- we have decided to go to Kangaroo Island, the wildlfe there is reputed to be fantastic- so Farewell Adelaide- we will be back!

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