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Tuesday 6 March 2012

A different city

is Adelaide- the CBD ( Central Business District) is surrounded by a green belt, which helps to make it most attractive. We are here for a couple of days, in a superb appartment just outside the green belt, in a quiet street.
Not yet having time to see a lot we will be reporting later on the main parts of the city, but what we have seen so far has been good.

Yesterday afternoon was spent in the Ayers House Museum, an old mansion built in the 1860s for a mining boss who started out life in the UK, leaving school at 11 and running away from home. He turned out to be the richest man in Adelaide, and saved the state from bankrupcy at one time. However he wasn't a very good employer- not daring to show his face at his mines some 150k upstate for fear of being lynched!

But the reason we are here is to attend the fringe. It is organised on much the same lines as it's Edinburgh counterpart, but is quite a bit smaller with just 900 shows as against 3000 in Edinburgh.
We took in two shows last evening- the first entitled 'An Unexpected Variety Show'. The variety however was not quite what was expected, and I would give the show only two stars.
The Garden of Unearthly Delights was the venue for our second show- Soap. I have to say that I was not too keen on going, but Anne fancied it so we booked. And what a show! All the action took part in and around five large baths, much of it was balletic and operatic, and the acrobatics were superb. Lasting 75 minutes, I would reccommend anyone who gets the chance to go to see it.

On the way down here we spotted a another one of those signs- I can't imagine what it means......

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