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Thursday 15 September 2011

Rotary, Shelterbox and pearls.

Wednesday breakfast was spent with Broome Rotary, Anne came along too. It is a small club of only 20 members, but full of great fellowship.
This weekend they are to run dragon boat races, in keeping with the theme of the festival week, and they asked their members if someone would look after a Shelterbox tent on the site. It appears that they know very little about it, so I volunteered my services, and have written a brief for them. So that's Saturday taken up!
Of course I took the opportunity to present a Carlisle South banner to them, and tell them a little about our club.
In the evening we went along with a couple of thousand other people to the Town Beach to see the staircase to the moon, a phenomena which occurrs here at ceartain very low tides when there is a full moon. The moon appears over the mud flats in reflection, and looks just like a staircase. Unfortunately because the farmers down country are burning off at present, causing  lot of smoke, the staircase did not appear, to the chagrin of many thousands of watcxhers!
Thursday we took off up country to Willie Creek Pearl Farm, they culture pearl oysters by the thousand, some 280,000 of them! We were told and shown how they do it, even to the extent of going out among the oyster beds. Very interesting. Makes a change from shopping, which is all we seem to have done all week! 

Next door to us here is a speedway, and there are races on Friday and Saturday, tonight they were practising. Did I say this was a quiet site?

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