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Sunday 11 September 2011

A one horse town….

That’s Port Headland, piles of iron ore and salt, and supersize rail trains and ships.
As we entered we saw many salt pans and piles of their product, then the ore trains- over 150 cars long with 4 engines, then the piles of their product- iron ore, followed by the docks with supersize ore carriers.
This must be one of the most expensive places in Australia, a “donga” – that is a tiny bare tin shed room with a ‘bathroom’ costs us more that £100 a night, and that overlooking the docks!.
We had seen a trailer tent advertised, which might have answered the shortcomings  with the roof tent- that is not being able to move the car during a stay on site without totally packing up, but at £4500 it was grossly overpriced- I thought it was worth no more than £1000 at twenty years old!. So back to the drawing board. And move on again.

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