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Wednesday 21 September 2011

Eat your heart out Attenborough!

We are seeing so many animals and reptiles here, it is like living in a zoo. While having breakfast yesterday on our patio we watched two pods of whales cavorting just off the beach. They blew, broatched almost totally out of the water, and slapped their tails, for almost half an hour.
Later we retuned to Broome, it was a difficult decision whether to stay on at Cape Leveque or not, but we must get on to the Gibb River before the wet starts.
So back to our caravan site, and one of our first visitors was a frilled lizard, over two foot long, it sat around for ages both on the ground and just on the trunk of a tree. What a bonus for us!
This morning we have had Black Ibis and wallaby here, I'm getting sick of running for the camera!

The car has to go in for service today, so we are having a housekeeping day, washing and tidying up generally. It is a miss- we have everything packed in there so when it's not around we are struggling!

1 comment:

  1. You need to keep your camera handy then Ron.

    DG Ron D has been asking about you - says he is being asked how you are when he goes around district - so I've given him the link for this blog to put in his Newsletter.

    Kids looking forward to speaking to you both tomorrow

    till then

