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Sunday 18 September 2011

Fishermen and fast drivers.

Our trip down to the port and the pier proved to be quite instructive, we met a guy who was fishing with a rope, a balloon, and a hook the size of my fist. He was trying for shark, the hook and bait was floating out about 60 yards just below the surface, we could see it in the crystal clear water. As we watched an 8 foot shark approached the bait, swam around it a couple of times, but unfortunately didn't take it. We asked him what he would have done if it had- I don't know he said, but it would have made an interesting fisherman's tale!
At the end of the pier was a ship bound for Egypt, being loaded with almost 6 thousand head of cattle. I don't envy them the journey, they don't exactly get a cabin each!
A drive along the beach took us to the lighthouse, where there are fossilised dinosaur feet in the mud. Unfortunately the tide was in so they were covered, but the cliffs are interesting. A couple of Ospreys were nesting in the lighthouse, now all automatic so the keeper doesn't climb it very often. We pay a fortune to protect these birds in the Lake District, here they are ten a penny!

Later we went along to the speedway, but not as we know it! It was more like stock car racing, on dirt tracks circuit, but some of the cars cost a fortune. They only use one gear for fast acceleration, and we saw a few spectaular crashes, including one where two cars collided and rolled over a few times. One guy had to be cut out and was taken away on a stretcher, but he was OK.

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