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Sunday 18 September 2011

A Regatta and the cinema

Saturday, and duty calls! Down to the Town Beach at 7-30am to erect a Shelterbox as promised, spending all day there talking to the public and members of the club about the project, including my moment of fame on the public address system.
The dragon boat races went on almost all day, there were 22teams of 20 people, and some of the races were exciting- particularly when the steersman guided the boats into the mangroves. I can imagine what the crew would be calling him!
There were a couple of specatcular collisions and capsizes- As I told you yesterday, there are some large sharks around here so no one wanted to spend much time in the water. Also a salty- a salt water crocodile- had been spotted on the beach just a few days before. All in all a great day!
Evening took us to the cinema, with a difference. It was open air, and we sat in deck chairs, and as it was just 300 yards from the end or the airport runway and directly in line from time to time a landing aircraft would go over at around 500 FT! Fruit bats would fly across the screen ocasionally, but it didn't spoil our enjoyment of a great film, Red Dog. It is about a dog that wanders all over North West Australia, and is really good. I have no doubt it will come to the UK soon, so get to see it if you can.

Apparently The cinema is just as it was when it was opened in 1929, nothing much has changed . All the old projectors are in the foyer, and posters are there from the thirties. Fascinating!

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