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Sunday 25 September 2011

A forgotten town in the back of beyond.

That's Derby,nothing like it's namesake in the midlands, it has one street which we drove down without seeing a soul!We think they were all in Woolies, cause when we got there it was buzzing.
We arrived on the Saturday afternoon, having been delayed in Broome by a minor problem with the car. We had decided to have a service before we went into the Gibb, and they reccommended that we change a couple of belts. They had to be ordered from Perth,they came on an overnight flight!

It's 250k to Derby, very little going our way, or even coming back!
The aged come here to die it seems, judging by the road signs.

One of the very few things of note is the prison tree, a boab used to keep Aboriginal prisoners in overnight on their way to Derby Jail. It is famous for having kept a renegade Abbo in 1860 something, who killed settlers and their animals when they tried to settle Aboriginal lands.

Anyway, having booked for two nights, we had a day to fill so went fishing. A very successful day, if the object is to fatten the fish to catch later, once again they won and took all my bait. I don't think I've got the hang of this fishing lark!
So went and filled all the tanks ready for the long trek through the Gibb, full of fuel and 40ltrs extra to take us to the next petrol half way along.
It will be a while til our next blog- we don't expect to get online for quite a while now, probably not before Kununura, some 850k away, as far as from Dundee to the South Coast, almost all offroad!
HERE WE GO..........
A Skink.

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