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Friday 8 March 2013

Beyond the fringe

While the fringe continues Adelaide is also holding a free Street Theatre festival, a dozen good busking groups have been chosen to perform in the streets for fifty minute shows. The festival started yesterday, and we sat and watched four shows for free (although we put dollars in the hat of course!) and they were as good as some of the shows we have paid for.
First off was 'Beautiful Stu', a singer/ acrobat/ comedian playing in the Rundle Mall. Very skilled, and very funny.

He was followed by 'Dado', a German mime clown, who had a wonderful variety of slapstick comedy and a great way with children. He played a range of improvised instruments, including a rubber glove on his head as a bagpipe! Very funny!

We sat on and watched a pair of comical acrobats from Canada who performed a dance parody with exercise balls, a clown boxing match and acrobatic feats. They had three guys from the audience running around like madmen, with the audience roaring with laughter.

Just round the corner from our hotel  a street party was taking place, again with buskers but also with live music ongoing from 5pm to midnight. There were thousands there, we only stayed for an hour as we had to go on to our next show, a few streets away.

And that show was a corker! Paul McDermott, an Australian  TV star that we hadn't heard of before the other day when we saw him give a taster in Rundle Mall, sang and told anecdotes for ninety minutes in the Arts Theatre, in front of an audience of more than 500. A great finish to an excellent day.

 And now- a few photos of some of the older buildings in the CBD, well I like them!

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