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Monday 11 March 2013

There's good and not so good.....

We were disappointed today to learn that our intended busker had had to withdraw from the festival, she has suffered from the heat, which again is 38 deg. It does however give me the opportunity to show you a few pics of the city, one of the skyline and the other of one of the many parks that surround the CBD. I'll add those at the end as usual.
But back to the shows. The garden was once again our target for tonight, an our first show must rank high among the best we have seen in this Fringe Festival.

 Tom Flanagan is a consummate professional mime artist. Chapliesque in his presentation, he does amazing acrobatics on a tiny stage.At one point he did a back flip from the top of an eight foot ladder landing on the edge of the stage with a bucket of water on his head. Several times we thought he must fall into the audience, including us, but he always managed to recover. A totally original act, his comic timing, wit and charm made it a highlight of the fringe for us.His stage name is Kaput, so if you get a chance to see his work do so. I understand he is on the Melbourne Comedy Festival this coming week.

As we had time before our next big show, we had decided to take in a variety show, where artists play hoping to attract an audience to their main shows.
There were five acts in an hour, some were better than others. The last one, though, was very good, he was a guy called Danny Morgan, he does comedy and plays the organ.
He got Anne up on stage and the crowd went wild when she danced to the 'Dancing Queen'!

Our final  act of this fringe was Wil Anderson, a stand up comic  who I understand is very famous here, we gathered that he had appeared on children's TV programmes before he started stand up.He had been recommended to us, and we had seen the large crowds queuing for his act.
A lot of his jokes went over my head I'm afraid, although the large audience seemed to enjoy them. Perhaps they were 'in' Aussie  jokes.
He used the 'F' word a lot, which I feel is unnecessary for a comedian if his jokes are clever, maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy but I make no apologies for it.

So that's it for this fringe, I hope that we can see some of these acts in Edinburgh later in the year. In the meantime.........

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