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Sunday 10 March 2013

Magical Marvels and Risqué Ladies

A mile long walk up into the town at lunchtime in 38 deg heat is draining, but not as draining as we can imagine the street artists are finding it. Our first act today, Nigel Blackstorm,  is the 'Heavy Metal Magician', more of the former than the latter, as he had 'volunteers' playing air guitars and drums to his singing. He told us he had been a member of a band, and when they broke up he went onto busking for a living, combining his music with his second love, magic.
He bounced about the street for almost an hour, the sweat was pouring off him, but like the  consummate professional he is he was unfazed till the end.

As we had seen many of the other acts scheduled for the day we had decided to have a quiet afternoon, so later we made our way the two miles up to the Garden ready for our two shows of the evening. Our first was quite early, and turned out to have a full house.
Morgan and West are 'Victorian Magicians', and very good they are too. They performed tricks that we could not explain, including passing two marked cards from one side of the stage to another.
It was certainly a 'Great Family Spectacle, Simply Spiffing' as the blurb described them.

And now for something completely different: our late night act for the evening is 'Eastend Cabaret' a devilishly entertaining, witty and wicked comic genius of a show performed by two 'ladies?' with rapid fire wit.
The songs were original, if very smutty, they revealed their hilarious thoughts to a an audience that laughed from start to finish.

The secret to many successful shows seems to be audience participation, and the pair used their watchers skilfully, without embarrassing them too much. Although very naughty, this was an act that we felt comfortable with.

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