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Wednesday 6 March 2013

Fringe benefits.

Four great shows yesterday. Most of the shows only last an hour, some only forty minutes, so we are able to plan our day round them.
Also there are 'tasters' in the mall, we can watch the artists for a few minutes and decide if we want to see their show. This guy here is good, and we will book to see him tomorrow.

While shows are taking place all over Adelaide, and indeed some are many miles outside which count as Fringe shows, a lot are taking place in the 'Garden of Unexpected Delights!', a park just on one corner of the CBD which is easily accessible. There are about 20 venues in there, some will take three hundred people, others only a dozen or so. Food stalls and other concessions are also on site, and the booking office often offers 'Rushtix', late reduced offers for those shows which are maybe under subscribed.
Performers also showcase their acts in the Garden, here an
acrobat from one of the circuses performs for a TV channel, with some of the venue tents in the background.

But back to last night, we started off with Flanders and Swann, an act which we have seen twice before in Edinburgh, a take off of the fifties duo that wrote and sang humorous songs. Anne cringed when she found that all the audience were elderly, (we aren't of course), but that's only because young people don't know about them. It was very well supported though, unlike some!
The next was completely different, a one man show of a guy that seemed to defy the laws of gravity, very disconcerting at first, but as we settled in to it we found it intriguing and very amusing. It could drive you up the wall!! I won't go into any more detail as it is possible that you may come across this act some time in the future.

Then the highlight of the evening,( not to take anything away from the other acts, which were excellent), The Magnets. UK readers will know about them I am sure, an acappella septet who almost sound as though they have an instrumental accompaniment behind them
The base is 'played' by one guy, and the drums are sounded by an expert 'vocal percussionist'. They are seriously good!
This venue was pretty full, as was 'Leo', and the group received a standing ovation at the end of their show.

Then onward to another park across the road to see an outrageous girl singing act. They are a home grown group, from South Australia, and they are very funny.
Six women have taken on the world's greatest musicians and have rewritten their songs as bawdy and hilarious cabaret.
They have been to Edinburgh fringe, but sadly not returning this year, but I think we may come across them again sometime.

What a great evening, and, as we have decided to stay here for the weekend I am sure we will see a lot more superb acts in the next few days

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