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Wednesday 31 August 2011

You’ve heard of the Mexican Wave……

Well it’s nothing like the Aussie wave! I’ve perfected this to clear the flies- they are a bl**** nuisance to say the least!
 Two days on, having made the filling station with a few drops to spare, we have arrived at the Karinjina national park, a lovely area of gorges, waterfalls and scrub forest. To get here we had to drive 25 miles off road, and what no one told us about was the red dust!  Arriving on site we found the car was covered in it, and of course it gets everywhere. Being a two shower a day man it didn’t entirely suit. Hey-ho, are we downhearted? You bet we are!!!
 We are camped in an eco-park, where everything has to be biodegradable or taken away with us, they tell us to save the frogs. The camp is extremely well organized by Aussie standards, a good restaurant and reasonable toilets and showers, but not really enough of them. There is even wi-fi at a cost, so it is good. We are staying two nights, then moving on to another camp in the park to let us see more of it.
This morning we walked down into Jofres gorge, a quite steep climb down and back to a lovely waterfall and pool. We didn’t quite make the pool as the last drop was a bit too dodgy for us, but we saw it all.
It is getting hotter by the day, we crossed the Tropic of Capricorn yesterday, and Spring is upon us here.

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