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Friday 26 August 2011

What a busy week.

After a slow start, the roof tent arrived on Wednesday and we started to put it together. We soon realised that the tray we had purchased at great expense for the roof rack was totally unsuitable, and we had to go cap in hand towhere we got it from to change it. So we ended up with a load of stuff for the car which although useful, is perhaps not entirely necessary!
In the meantime we had bought a fridge for the car, only to find that the electrics wouldn't work, so that meant a new secondary battery and a rewire. Hey- ho, what a wonderful life!
Anyway, while waiting for the car to be fixed I went walk about, spotted a Rotary wheel, and it turned out to be a workshop where they make Wheelchairs for Kids. I will be writing seperately about it, but it is a wonderful organisation that works entirely with volunteers, and distributes the chairs to developing countries, mainly in Asia, Africa, and South America. I was made most welcome, and shown around where over 100 volunteers work part time.
So now we are near ready, we hope to set off early Sunday, it is a three day run up to the Pilbara where we will have our first taste of off-roading , a test run for the biggie- the Gibb River Road.

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