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Friday 12 August 2011

To the hills.......

A party of eight of us took off early to the Cameron Highlands, one of the areas the Memsahibs would go to to escape the heat of the summer. The road up there was rather twisty, but we were told they were a great improvement over a few years ago!
It was certainly much cooler there, and we arrived just in time for lunch. Anne could see from my face that I was not looking forward to yet another chinese meal, however it turned out to be quite tasty. I can’t do with the spices, so I had sweet and sour instead while Anne tucks in to her spices and garlic.
Our guide joined us to take us firstly to a tea plantation, where after a tour of the plant we sampled the tea, together with cream scones.  Visits to a butterfly farm and a hydroponic strawberry and salad farm followed, which were really interesting. Particularly the huge insects at the former- stick insect a foot long, butterflies eight inches across, and beatles as big as your hand- fascinating!
Back to Ipoh- then in the evening, guess what? Dinner at a Chinese restaurant! But as always the company was fantastic, I even managed some of the spicy bits!  

Picking tea for two

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