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Saturday 6 August 2011

Phew- it ain't arf 'ot here!

It was two very tired travellers that arrived at the River View Hotel at 8-30am yesterday, but the receptionist took pity on us and allowed us in the room. After a couple of hours we took off down to the harbour, about a mile walk from the hotel along the river, picking up a Subway on the way.
As our pic shows, there are a few new additions to the seascape since we were here two years ago, that big hotel in the background has a huge boat shaped swimming pool on it's roof. Anne didn't want to be photographed yet- she needs to get a tan!
Had a great meal in the evening just across the river from our hotel, and cheap too- unexpected! Then slept for twelve hours.

Today we took a walk into the centre to the Singapore national museum, not brilliant , but a good exhibition of old watches and clocks which interests me as an old watchmaker! But we are just chilling at the moment, til we get acclimatised.
Tomorrow is the start of their National celebrations- should be good!
The view from our hotel is good- right down to the Singapore flyer in the distance.

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