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Saturday 13 August 2011

Budda and a lady we will never forget

Eight am saw us on the way to Ipoh town centre to meet up with a guide and some of the club members for a walk round the historic centre. There is a lot of history here, going right back to the first European occupation in the 14th century, and even before when the South Pacific people made their way here centuries before.
But it seems the British really built Ipoh in the 18th century, mainly to exploit the tin mines, some of the buildings certainly reflect the British colonialism.
Then- guess what? Another Chinese lunch! But this time it was Dim Sum, quite tasty.
Off to a Buddhist temple in the afternoon, just outside the town, in a very large limestone cave. Very impressive, and quite cool with the breeze that ran through it. Turtles and large Koi in the ponds. Anne had her fortune told- she is to have a very large family!
Evening took us to a private house for a club fellowship evening where we met our host, Dr M Majumder. She is fascinating, not only does she still work as a dermatologist in the local hospital, she runs rehabilitation centres for the mentally ill, an animal sanctuary, and travels the world to symposiums for medicine and psychiatry. In her eighties, she shows no sign of slowing down, and we both thought she was wonderful.

We took our leave of most of the club that evening- tomorrow we are on our way to Perth.

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