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Friday 28 December 2012

Xmas in Mornington

Party party! Xmas afternoon at Chris Balfour's - a great BBQ and good company. Chris has a large house with a great garden and pool, excellent for hosting parties, and so it was.
The drink flowed of course, the sun shone, quite a different Xmas day from that we are used to, stuck in the house.
We could get used to this!

Boxing day was at Barbara and Dave's son Chris house, Chris and Craig have two and three children of their own now, five grandchildren for Barbara and Dave.
Barbara was "tired and emotional" by the end of the day, Dave helped her home, and as the only teetotaler I had to drive.
But a great time was had by all, and after we arrived back home Paul and Marianne rolled up for an hour or two, so more drink and grub came out.
Nuff said, we had to have an early night as we were on our way early the next morning to Tassie, we'll see them all again in a couple of weeks.

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