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Tuesday 18 December 2012

WA to SA

A night stop on the WA - South Australia border gave us quite a shock- the time changes by two and a half hours! That means if it's 7am here, our normal getting up time while we are travelling, it's 4-30am in WA. Hmmm... no lie in then. But into every life a little sunshine, we get to stay up till 9pm, it's light now till then.
And we had a lovely view from our camping pitch, a mile down to the Great Australian Bight, which is a very big bite out of the bum of Australia.

We took in a view of the Bight from the top of the cliffs too, great to get out of the car to stretch our legs in the middle of a long drive, the sun was warm, the air was fresh, and a lovely view of the waves pounding at the base of the cliffs. Life gets tedious don't it?

We had a few more miles of the Nullarbor to do too, a whole day to our next campsite. A few kms off road too, and as we travelled those we spotted white sand dunes perfectly sculpted by the wind. And the camp site was a surprise too, bush camp but very clean, great free BBQs, sheltered from the wind, right on the beach, with a sunset to die for.'s tough work this travelling.

Unfortunately we had to move on the next morning, through the Quarantine at Ceduna, where we were inspected to make sure that we were not carrying any fruit of veg into South Australia. The Aussies are fanatic about fruit fly and other pests, even though we buy all our fruit and veg in supermarkets they confiscate it all on border crossings. However we had given all ours away at our last camp site in preparation.
Ceduna,  the first reasonably big town in SA, so we had to stock up again with fresh fruit and Veg, as well as enough provisions to take up the last few hundred miles to Melbourne over the next few days.Also this will be positively the last few days and nights with Lee, Karen and the kids, so we were spending two nights at Streaky Bay. They were hoping to find a good bush camp close to there, but no joy, they were all rubbish, so we just parked ourselves in Streaky Bay Caravan Park.
It was very hot, but as we are right by the beach it's acceptable, straight in the sea for a dip.

But during the night it blew a gale, so much so that we had to get up to put the awning away for fear of it tearing. And it blew all the following day too, and was much cooler.
However that didn't stop young Ben from decorating Betty for Christmas, I think when we take off for Melbourne tomorrow we will be scattering tinsel bits all the way, and might get done for littering!

A Stump Tailed Lizard on our camp site.

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