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Monday 24 December 2012

1600k and a welcome at the end

Leaving Streaky Bay and our friends was a wrench, although we knew that we would be with family at the other end and it would be worth it.
Very soon after setting off we were once again in wheat country, acre after acre of wheat fields and huge silos to store the grain before it was taken to the docks by train. And hundreds of them, sometimes as many as 25 in a block. This is the bread basket of Australia, and I think they export as much as they use themselves.
We had a nine hour day that day, the longest we have had since coming here, normally we give up after three or at most four. We did 800k, (500 mls).
After Port Augustus we made south east to avoid Adelaide and it's traffic, and as we approached the Murray River the terrain changed, becoming more hilly, and the crops became grapes, olives and mangoes. Some of the biggest wineries in the southern hemisphere are around here, and one that we passed had more than 50 huge vats of fermenting wine at the side of the road.
That night we stayed at a good site close to the river, our last night in the roof tent for a while,as after our next day's travel (slightly shorter, only 600k, 7 hours!) to Bendigo we stayed in a bush cabin to sort ourselves out.
It was great- very well appointed, and with a bush pub next door where we ate it was the perfect last travelling night.
We will certainly be visiting Bendigo again, there is a lot to do and see here and we don't have time to do it this time.
So to Melbourne- what a bummer! The traffic was truly awful, even on the motorways, and we got lost once, and had a few cross words when we couldn't understand the directions.
And there are toll roads, no pay stations though, it has to be paid for by telephone after your journey, or they will send you a bill with penalties, as they did last time we passed through, and David and Mildred in Perth had to pay it!
So I got on the phone, and after 15 minutes of pressing buttons I almost lost the will to live. What a way to run a business! Why can they not just have one pay lane where we can pay our money? So simple!
Had a lot of trouble with Skype, nearly lost my temper with it when I tried and tried to get on and couldn't, then realised I was putting a space in where it shouldn't be. This technology will be the death of me!
Anyway, we got here eventually at Babs and Dave's new house. It's like tardis, looks small outside but deceptively spacious inside, two bedrooms, and a huge family room. Small garden, but Dave doesn't have a lot to do now which suits him!
Betty has had a xmas spruce up, thorough wash and wax outside, and a complete clean out inside. That's the first since we were here last in April, so she needed it!
It's great to catch up with family again, cousins Chris and Bev, Paul and Marrianne, as well as Babs and Dave of course. And  they all have grandchildren now, and this is the time for kids.
But it just isn't quite like Xmas, despite the decorations, the Xmas trees, and the greetings all around,just too hot,
but despite that........

All the best for Christmas and the New Year to all our millions of readers worldwide.

Keep watching for the latest revelations!

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