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Sunday 16 December 2012

Mixed Fortunes

Lucky Bay, a beautiful pristine white beach, overlooked by the caravan site we are on. Isn’t there always a downside though, the weather hasn’t improved. It’s been overcast since we got here, although the sun is trying hard to break through it isn’t succeeding. Not cold though, but windy, except for our pitch, which is so sheltered it couldn’t be better.
We had decided to erect the ground tent to give us flexibility with the car, it took us an hour and a half, during which we almost committed murder on each other. It is a right sod, made worse by the fact that the ground is rock hard. I had to borrow a spike from a neighbour to make a hole for the pegs! In the meantime the caravaners around us were watching our efforts, which didn’t make us any the happier!
But once finally sorted Lee and Karen arrived, so we settled down for a catch-up, we hadn’t seen them for a couple of weeks so there was a lot to talk about.
The first night it poured down almost all night, we were ok in our little ground tent, except that it kept Anne awake. Not me though, I was happy in my little dream world.
Next day we went along to Hellfire Beach, about 10kms away, where Lee and I did a bit of fishing. I caught one with my first cast, but no one would believe me as it got away before I could reel it in. Eventually I lost all my tackle in the weeds, so I gave up defeated once again.
Anne, Karen and the kids were having a great time in the surf, lots of great waves, but too wet for me.
It was the evening for the roast again, this time a lovely piece of pork, which Lee did in his baby Q. I have to say that it cooks a joint perfectly, along with roast potatoes, both of which we miss over here while we are camping. It was beautiful, and we ended the evening well stuffed!
However, earlier the ranger had been round to warn us to batten down ready for a big storm. He reckoned it would be with us in a couple of hours, big squall, hailstones and thunder & lightning. Mad panic all around us- everyone put awnings away, chairs and tables mysteriously disappeared in seconds, tents braced ready for the onslaught. It never transpired, only two drops of rain all night so all that for nothing.

To get a mobile signal here we have to drive ten kms to the top of a hill which overlooks Esperance, some forty Kms away. It is a great view, but this morning as we got there it started to pour down, completely obscuring it. Story of our lives at the moment!
But then things started improving a little, an hour or so later, the sun tried hard once again, the wind dropped, it turned out to be a good afternoon  again. 
Next day was again overcast, so we decided to go for a walk up Frenchman Peak, a hill some 10k away, around 600ft high, but very steep in places. At one point we were almost rock climbing- 45 degrees. The breath was coming in short pants....
But once up there the views were amazing- we could see all the way to Esperance some forty miles away, and a similar distance the other way. Anne made it most of the way to the top, I made it all the way, but as the kids made it too I couldn't claim any glory!

Our site has dozens of very tame Kangaroos, they become a nuisance at times, particularly when we are cooking or eating. we have to chase them away. Also the audience which inevitably hangs around taking photos when the roos are about, one morning we had to chase them as well to get our breakfast!
Tomorrow we move on again to tackle the Nullabor, three days of hard driving, 1500 kms to do before we get to the other side.

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