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Thursday 24 May 2012

The feathered variety....

A short night in Brisbane was followed by a trip north to Noosa, a pleasant area of coastline with many inlets and lakes. The weather was not great, it seems to be that way when we come to Queensland, but in any case we were using the time there to do our housekeeping, washing ironing etc, and preparing for the next six weeks while we travel the length and breadth of this state, up to Cape York and west across to the Northern Territory border and beyond.

Noosa is very much a boating and fishing area, and perhaps a retirement area too. There are many typical "Queenslanders", houses that comprise a main area , often on stilts, surrounded by shaded balconies, themselves surrounded by trees for shade. Most are very attractive, and well kept.
There are many seabirds in the area, Egrets, Australian Darters, cormorants, and of course pelicans. The shoreline abounds with them, which indicates that the fishing must be good around here. Unfortunately we don't have the time at the moment- and in any case it usually means feeding the fish rather than catching them!
The weather did not really improve over the three days we spent there, and we moved on some 450k up to Cania national park, a camp site some 45k from civilisation, but with excellent facilities.
As we arrived it was bird feeding time, there are a large varity of exotic birds here, from Galahs, (a common Oz parrot that is mainly grey with a pink neck and breast, cockatoos, and Rainbow Lorrikeet, which as it's name suggests, is multi coloured. There are also many animals on this site, which is close to a lake, but as yet, because it is raining, we have not had a chance to see them! There is good walking round here too, but as we are fair weather walkers that's out too! San fairy ann- we can watch the campers from our chalet, and sympathise with them.......
Anyway we'll relax for a couple of days and plan the next six weeks, which look quite exciting.

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