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Thursday 17 May 2012

On our last day in Chiang Mai

Anne and I elected not to take the trip to Laos and Burma (Myanmar), it was a 15 hour round trip and we thought we may do it over a few days sometime in the future. So we met up with Roger and Kate Brunt to see Chiang Mai itself, and visit a couple of outstanding temples there.
Chiang Mai is an ancient walled city, the wall itself is built of very small bricks and some of it still survives. Built originally to keep out invading Burmese in the 8th century, it failed when the invaders laid siege for many weeks.
There were five gates, of which only two were opened at any time, and a moat encircled the whole city, which still mainly survives, with decorative fountains playing to keep it oxygenated and free from weed.
The first temple we visited was on the banks of the river, the same river we rafted on the previous day, and the same one that flows through Bangkok. Buddhist of course, as most are in Thailand, very decorative both inside and out.
The four of us then took a boat trip down river, which was disappointing to say the least. There was little to see, except the dredgers which were deepening the river and raising the banks to avoid a repetition of the flooding which took place a few years ago, and most of the buildings along the banks either belonged to the rich, or were hotels. 
We eventually arrived at a little cafe which we entered for a drink, I have to say that the pineapple was quite delicious, the highlight of the trip!
Afterwards we made our way to another temple, completely made from Teak, quite beautiful both inside and out. 
Wat Long Molee is an old and significent site, whose name first appeared in historical texts of 1367. 10 monks from Burma were invited to bring their Buddhism, but it was not until 1527 that the chedi was built, followed by the main hall in 1545.

Tomorrow- on to Penang- an island in the north of Malaysia, where we will relax for a few days in a resort before we all make our way back to our respective homes- except for Anne & I of course, we will return to continue our adventure in Oz

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