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Saturday 12 May 2012

On to Chiang Mai

Last evening we had a farewell dinner for two of our party- John Head and Margaret have to get home to organise "Paint The Town Red", Workington's successful project to publicise their town. However before that we had to have our official 1190 Convention "Gloup Phloto",  or "one more", as is always said when we have one (and more!) done.
A fairly early start this morning to the airport for the 10-30 flight, pretty painless 70 minutes up to Chiang Mai, and 15 minutes to the hotel. Good!
A quick check-in, and off for lunch in the city. Thai of course, but they managed to find some chicken noodles for me that I could eat so I was happy.
Fron there a couple of hours at a temple (Wat Phra Tat Doi) to the west of the city, on the top of a hill. Chiang Mai is 300 mtrs up, (1000 ft), and the temple is at 1000 mtrs,(3500 ft), so the trip up was on a very steep and winding road. Unfortunately the view of the city was obscured a little by low cloud, so I was unable to photograph what could have been an excellent view.
I think I have previously said that most Thais are Buddhist, in fact 95% of them, with just 3% Moslem and 2% Christian. So there are a lot of Buddhist temples here, and this one is one of the more important ones.
Once again there are a great number of steps to climb, (although we could have taken the lift!).
Anne & I joined a couple of others to climb the 300 steps to the top, after lunch it was not easy! Anyway it was certainly worth doing, the temple was quite beautiful, with a golden Stupa.
We were blessed with Holy Water by a monk, who we had to approach on our knees. It is very rude to point one's toes at either Buddha or the priest, and one's head should always be lower.
I took the lift down as there was no rail on the steps, and I did not feel safe.

Afterwards the schedule called for a two hour visit to a massage parlour, however Anne & I just wanted to go back to the hotel to unpack and have a swim, so we relaxed while the others had what they told us was a great experience with the local massage experts.
In the evening we all went out to a Thai dinner and dancing show, it was very good, but unfortunately I had forgotten the camera. There will be a next time!

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