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Monday 1 October 2012

Lake Argyll

 We had been here before, last year as we were passing, but hadn’t stayed here. The lake itself was formed in the 60s when a small dam was put across the Ord outlet. It is only some 750 metres wide at the top, and 300 from top to bottom.
Originally all the land was leased by the Durack Family since 1850, over a million acres, a very large station. But they also leased four other similar sized stations in this area, making them the largest cattle breeders in Australia at one time. It was their idea to build the dam, and form the lake but of course as with all these things it took many years to come to fruition.
The dam was built over three dry seasons, it’s impossible to work here during the wet, and although it  was expected to take five years to fill, in fact it only took two.
Now there is a lake some 55km long, and some 40 km wide, with many offshoots and islands. So it covers a wide area, and has a hell of a lot of water in it. It can rise up to 12mtrs in the wet, but the norm is only 3 or 4, still a lot of extra water when one considers the area it covers.
When it does rise 12 mtrs it almost doubles in size, and spreads right into the Northern Territory, some 15 kms away.
Built to service a much larger irrigation area between here and Kunnunura, the lake also generates electricity for the town, as well as Wyndham, some 100 kms north, and all points in between.
We stayed on a great campsite for a couple of nights, with a lovely swimming pool, and came across Noel and Betty again. It is surprising how many people we meet more than once as we travel, and there are always good conversations.
We took a trip on the lake, the captain was very knowledgeable and gave us many statistics, as well as a history of the area. We saw an early sunset from the middle of the lake as we took a swim, despite the crocs, (freshies, so not really a problem) however we could see the thunderheads forming to the west of us, whish rather shortened the sunset for us.
During that night the thunder gradually came closer, until we had a downpour at around 3am, we had to get up to make sure that everything was Ok as we are in the habit of leaving the car windows open a little to let her breathe. We found the awning full of water, so it was just as well.
Anne didn’t sleep well, but I cam sleep though anything so I was ok.
Today we have had a lazy day, it is noticeably cooler, Anne is reading Mummy Porn, 50 shades of Grey, we’ve also had a walk, and been in the pool. It will be an early night as we shall be up in the morning, where we are going nobody knows, but no doubt a decision will be made during the day.

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