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Monday 22 October 2012

Frillies and Jellies

A pleasant couple of days in Broome, making ready for our next adventure, was finished off with a delicious fish dinner down by the docks- you can have fish any which way you like! Fresh Barra overlooking the bay with the town lights twinkling in the distance, brought our quiet sojourn to a pleasant conclusion, before our early morning trip down the coast to Barn Hill station.

A working cattle station with a camp site close to the beach, we were told that up to 300 caravans and tents used their facilities in the high season. Fortunately the season has ended more or less, and just a few hardy campers occupy the site, and indeed the beach. It is very hot at this time, around 37 degrees, and after we had set up our little home we took off for the beach complete with bathers.
The tide was just on the turn, going out, and we were in the water for half an hour or so when we noticed these brown things lying about the beach. 

On investigation we saw that they were jellyfish, some as big as dinner plates, and there were hundreds of them. That finished our swimming then!
But it was great just to walk along the beach in the surf, very few people about, maybe just one other couple.

Back to camp to find a frilled lizard had attached itself to the trunk of a tree nearby. It was about a metre long, but mostly tail, and obligingly let us take photos of him from many angles.
 Later another slightly smaller one sat in the tree next to our tent listening to our music, he was there for hours as many of the youngsters on the site came to look at him. When they move they run on their two back legs and tail, most peculiar for a lizard.

We stayed a couple of nights at Barn Hill, the Dawn chorus is a delight to hear, except that it is at 5 in the morning, so we were up early both mornings, and took advantage of the cooler time to walk the beach both ways. 

Also in the evening- we walked along to the pinnacles, a rock formation caused by the erosion of the wind and sea, quite delightful with the late sun shining directly on the faces.

Unfortunately not a good evening to see a sunset though, clouds over the sea put the sun to bed early, but we did get one decent shot.
Next stop- Pardoo station, we are told they have a great pool there, with no jellies!

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