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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Back to Oz

After the sad death of Anne's father we are now able to resume our adventure in Australia, after four months at home.

On the way we are having a few days acclimatisation in Singapore, but we are finding it difficult to rearrange our sleep pattern, awake all night and very tired during the day. However we did manage to get along to Sentora, the playground island just off the south coast, spending a day in Universal Studios theme park.With the exception of a very wet stunt show, I have to say we were rather disapointed. There seemed to be rather a lot of merchandise and food outlets, rather than rides and experiences as we have been used to in Florida.
Another day was spent at the world war two fort of Silosa, also on Sentosa, first occupied in 1858, but a major defence in the last war. However as the Japanese invaded from the mainland in the north of Singapore, the defences were largely unused.
So oneards to Darwin, a very late flight this evening

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