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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Glad to be here!

Arriving in Darwin at 04-30 a taxi took us to the hotel and immediately to bed. However at 8am the workmen right underneath us started work- drills, hammering and cutting gear felt like it was coming through the floor! So we got moved to the other end of the hotel, but by then our sleep had been interrupted. Hey-ho!
When we did finally get up for a late lunch, looked out at the Waterfront of Darwin, a relatively new development. Our apartment is very modern, and contains everything we will need to get organised.
Picked up by Joanne, we were taken to her house to pick up Betty, who is in very good order considering she has hardly moved for four months. She has been really well looked after, and we are extremely grateful to Joanne and Percy for doing that.
An evening at Joanne's Rotary club, during which I spoke about our club and district, was followed by a good night's sleep- our first since we came away.
Now starts the process of sorting out, making sure that everything is clean and dry, making room for all the clothes etc we have brought from home. Looking at it- how will we ever get it all in?

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