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Wednesday 12 October 2011

Not so good news....

As we aproached Darwin we started to get many messages on our three telephones, we have one each and a local phone too. We had been totally out of touch for eighteen days, travelling through the Gibb and across here, and we now hear that Anne's father is very ill, and the family is concerned for him.
We have made the decision to go home for a period, and have booked flights for Sunday next, by Singapore and Doha on obscure airlines.
Last evening we went to the Rotary Club of Darwin South, and asked if anyone there could garage our car for us while we are away, and we had a volunteer.
We have had a wonderful time here, this country is vast, and it has so much variety about it we could fill many pages more than we have. We have just scratched the surface so far, yet we feel so lucky to have seen so much.
We will be back, we have only completed around 6000k of our adventure, about a quarter of the way round. There is so much to see here, unfortunately because of our road accident at home and now this we will not be able to do the remainder of the north this year because of the wet season. So we will just have to extend our trip yet again.
So it's goodbye for now- keep an eye out for our return though- we will be back!!!!

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