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Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Pentecost and El Questo

The Pentecost awaits, and the following morning we set off full of trepidation. It was very early, just 6-30, not much traffic about, and we arrived there full of indecision. Should we attempt it on our own, or should we wait and let someone else go over first?
It is 100 meters wide, we have no idea how deep, or what is on the bottom.
Taking our lives in our hands, and with hearts racing, we engaged low range four wheel drive and started to cross. It was deep, at least 15 inches in places, and the bottom was full of large rocks, but old faithful Betty took us through and out the other side. Huge sighs of relief!. 
Home Valley  had proved to be somewhat of a disappointment, very commercial, with a huge bar and a big screen showing the footy, screaming Ausies. We made it a housekeeping day, what was left of it, and cleaned up a bit.
But our destination that day was to be El Questo, a resort on the side of the Pentecost, but some 60k on. As we left the Gibb to travel south to the station and after 15k we arrived at the township, which looked like something out of the wild west. A rustic bar and shop greeted us, all outdoor, and very pleasant staff.
As we were there for a few days, we had decided to pitch the ground tent, the first time since Broome. We looked around and found the facilities were excellent, with en-suite toilet, showers and basin rooms, and two good swimming holes. We took advantage of them very quickly!
A relaxing first day was followed by a very busy one. Early the next morning found us on our way to Zebedee springs, ( sounds like Magic Roundabout?) where after following a hairy four wheel drive track, we came to a river about 75 mtrs wide. It can’t be as bad as the Pentecost! It was worse, about two foot deep, very rocky indeed, and Betty put up a tremendous bow wave as she battered her way through it. My fear was that the electrics would be swamped, and we would be stuck in the middle, but it amazes me what this car can take!
A short walk from the car park, through what was almost rain forest, brought us to a lovely oasis of peace, a babbling brook in a rocky valley, small waterfalls filling a tiny plunge pool surrounded by palms. We were first there, and as we entered the water we found it was comfortably warm, the springs come up from deep below the earth at a temperature of around 40c.
It wasn’t long before we were joined by a crowd, and we decided to move on. Back to the car, - and that river again! How she made it through I don’t now, we could hear the exhaust bubbling loudly. The water was over the wheels, but she ploughed on- never missing a beat.
On now to El Questo gorge, a much longer drive followed by a much longer walk.
It was advertised as a medium difficulty walk, if it was I will not be doing one of their difficult ones! Extremely rocky terrain, crossing and recrossing streams, clambering over big rocks, it took us well over an hour to reach the half way pool, which we had decided was our destination for the day. Once again we were on our own, so in the pool we went. This one was a bit cooler than the last, but after that walk it was needed.
Making our way back, we marveled at the many birds that flew around us, and the sounds of their songs. Throughout the Gibb we have had the most wonderful Dawn Choruses, there is such a variety of birdlife here, from the brightly coloured Lorrikeets to crows, from bower birds to the White cockatoos. There are over 250 different birds in El Questo alone, and most of them wake us each morning.
Back to base, and our third swim of the day. This time in a sandy pool just 100 mtrs from our tent, deeper than we could stand up in, just warm enough to be comfortable.
A busy day…..

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