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Monday 26 November 2012

Onwards and downwards.

By the time we had done our shopping after saying Au revoir to David and Mildred it was after 11, and the traffic on the freeway south was disastrous! A traffic jam just south of Perth took us well over an hour to get through, moving less that ten kilometres in that time.
Perth's a very modern capital, like many of it's counterparts throughout the world it has many high rise buildings and modern freeways, but it has not solved the problem of traffic even though it's rail connections to the suburbs are really great, many of them running between the dual carriageways.

As we fretted in the jams we had a text from Lee and Karen, by coincidence they were just a few miles behind us and we arranged to meet for lunch further down. They were staying a few miles south of Freemantle, and after our frustrating day we were easily persuaded to join them. They were taking the children to Adventure World the following day, and we ended up joining them there also.
To the left here is a picture of Alex and I as we boarded the Octopus, a machine which turns one upside down and over and over. Lee was reluctant to go on, chicken I think. So as surrogate grandfather I had to oblige

This next picture is of us at the end of the ride, me thoroughly uncomfortable and on the verge of vomiting. Hmmm... one up for Lee I think. However later I shamed him into going on the big drop with Karen. Call it quits!

We had a great day, Anne enjoyed the water tubes and the swimming with the children and Karen. 
Just a few miles away in Perth they had hailstones and a downpour, but it missed us, so we had sunshine most of the time.

Later we travelled down to Wellington National Park, and bush camped for the night in a lovely spot just beside a lake. After a great meal we spent the evening around the camp fire, this will be the final time we will travel together as they are going back north a bit for a few days, and we must get on now. But we are hoping to meet them in Melbourne where they live after we return from New Zealand.

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