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Friday 2 November 2012

A turtle on the beach.

Today, our last day at the bush camp, we spent the day with the Jacksons at Sandy Bay. It is ideal for the children as the water shelves very slowly, there are no rocks, and the beach is perfect for building sandcastles.
Lee had swum out to the reef, and found a turtle, which he followed into the surf where I managed to pick it up while we photographed it.
We think it is either ill or injured, as it was covered with barnacles and seaweed, unusual for a healthy turtle. Unfortunately there was no one around we could ash, and as we did not want to take it out of the water we felt we had to let him go along in the surf

This beach is noted worldwide for kite surfing, and later a chap came along complete with kit to have a go. He asked us for our assistance as it is difficult to launch and retrieve alone. We were glad to help, and spent an hour or so helping hi. I have to say it is not my bag, it needs a great deal of skill just to stay up out of the water!
As it had rained last night and we are leaving tomorrow we had decided to take down the ground tent to dry out and pack away, along with the large ground sheet we had laid under it. It was quite traumatic.I don't think we will be using it again for a while, the roof tent is so much easier, even if we do have to pack it up to move the car!

As it was our last night with them, we again spent the evening with the Jacksons, Lee cooked us roast pork and roast potatoes, absolutely delicious, and I am under even more pressure to but a BBQ like his!
With strawberries and ice cream for desert we had a super time, I had to help Anne home and to bed after a couple of bottles of Pinot Noir. A hangover tomorrow I fear!

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