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Monday 6 May 2013

A weekend away with Lee and Karen and family was a lovely change, we travelled up to Dalesford, some 180kms north west on the Ballarat road.
We had booked a cottage in the town, very private and set in lovely gardens. As it was rather cold, (winter has set in here!) we were glad of a log fire, which we lit as soon as we arrived and kept in the whole weekend.

Daylesford has something of a reputation, and being forewarned it was very noticeable the number of female couples that were on the streets. The visitors book had a few comments which made it obvious they had been staying in our cottage too!

The view from the cottage is beautiful, looking over the valley and a lake below.  We took a walk round the lake to see the Autumn colours.
There are old mineral springs there, sadly neglected, which are steps leading down into a pool. Empty now of course,except for leaves.

The town itself is just about two streets, a lot of cafes and souvenir shops. And quite expensive, but it is after all a holiday place.

Anyway, it was a lovely weekend and great to catch up with our friends again. The house was great to stay in, except for the urn on the mantle, containing what looked like remains, and the resident mouse. But we all enjoyed it, including the kids.

Unfortunately Betty is still not selling, and we can't find back seats for her as she is a special model., so that is plan B out of the window. Everything is conspiring against us.
Lee has volunteered to sell the roof tent, the awning, the roof racks and tray and the fridge, which should bring in a bit. So we have reduced the car to half price, to sell with the remainder of the camping gear, and we are sitting with everything crossed that she will move now. That's plan C, so hopefully it will work.

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