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Saturday 19 January 2013

Balloons, Alpacas and Pizza.

Five thirty in the morning, arriving in Melbourne just as the sun is rising over the city. Also there were no less than five hot air balloons over the scyscrapers, gradually fading away towards the north. Where would they land? It's a big city and goes a long way out.

An hour's run along the peninsula took us to cousin Barbara and Dave's house in Mornington, and most of the next couple of days were spent cleaning the car and doing the washing, as well as repacking for our NZ adventure.

As Barbara had another guest, Ann Bailey from home, we stayed with Paul and Marrianne in Somerville, a lovely house with trees all around, and where we will be leaving Betty while we are away. They have a couple of acres with paddocks, with a couple of alpacas, two dogs and six budgies. One of the dogs is just a few weeks old, very lively, a blue heeler, who likes to bite toes!

The Alpacas were due to be sheared, so along came the guy to do it, tying the animals down on his table. They scream and spit when stressed, they can hit you in the face at 8ft I understand, so the guys kept well away from the front of it. It took three of them to tie each down so it was a little disturbing while it was happening, and it took over an hour to do the two of them.

At the end there was a large bag of fleece, very soft, and a couple of weird looking creatures! After they were let out again into the paddock they ran quickly to the far side, determined no one would get their hands on them again.

One evening was spent at the lovely home of Lee and Karen, and their three kids. It was great to see them again, and as usual they were both completely outrageous, so it was a great evening of good fun.

Paul and Marrianne invited cousins Barbara and Chris round for a Pizza evening on Friday evening along with their partners, along with their own two girls. Not being a great pizza fan I wasn't looking forward to the food that much, but Paul had made the dough and the fillings, and they were superb.

He had a new pizza oven in the garden, and cooked them just right, and with great company the evening went very well indeed.

Anyway, tomorrow is the start of another adventure, to New Zealand, see you there!

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