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Thursday 27 September 2012

Gumbat and Edith.

A great night at Cooinda, in and out of the pool to cool off, (so busy I forgot to take a photo!), and in again in the morning before we set off down the road to Gunlom. We had not reckoned with the climb though- a half mile hike up a very steep and rocky track to the top, where we found some rock pools awaiting enticingly for us to dip into.
I think I have said before that it is extremely hot here at this time, we had expected spring weather, somewhere in between, but it is already 35 Celsius ( 95 Fahrenheit). So any dip in the water is very welcome, particularly after the long climb, but of course by the time we have climbed back down, (which is worse as we are struggling over the rocks!) we are sweating profusely again. It is good to get back into the aircon in Betty, but even she is struggling with it!
.A few miles down the road we turned off onto a track which we followed into the bush for around 50k. Set up in a bush camp with basic facilities ( quite a change from last night), but close to a waterfall with a rock pool at its base. Its a tough life but someone has to test the water at these places, and it was our turn. I can confidently report that the water is absolutely bl**** beautiful!
The nights are so hot we have all the vents in our little roof bedroom open, but the nets have to stay closed because of the mossies, so the ocassional breeze
which passes through is so welcome. As is the cool which comes in about three in the morning, just enough to encourage the pulling up of the sheet

Back in in the morning after we have packed and ready to move on, by the time 9am comes it is 35 again, and getting hotter. This time a quite short journey down to Edith Falls- we have been here twice before so we know how good it is. Just another waterfall with just another pool at its base, boring really....
In and out several times, then we watched a movie on our dvd player, good one- the Hoax.
Another dip in the morning after we have packed up to cool off, a long journey ahead today, and a bit of shopping in Katherine.On the road we met up with Noel and Betty, and later when we camped at Timber creek they parked their big wagon right next to us. Its what they call a fifth wheeler, a trailer with four wheels at the back which is linked to their large utillity wagon like a artic truck. It expands widthways, making it a huge area inside, seperate bedroom and shower and toilet, rather luxurious compared with Betty!
They feed the crocs here- at 5 every evening. They are freshwater types, fairly non agressive compared with the salties, it caused a bit of interest. Can you spot the difference between these and the salties I showed the other day?
A dip in the pool, followed by dinner chez nous, and an invite into Noel and Betty's van. A great day was had by all......

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