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Monday 23 April 2012

A quiet time

This last few days have been rather quiet, done a bit of fishing,(caught nowt again!) dried the car out twice ( got a leak on the passenger side), and moved up the coast a bit to a place called Tweed HeadsAnother nice place, right on the border of NSW and Queensland- in fact the border runs through the middle of the town, except that Queensland calls it Coolangatta.  There are some really great beaches along this coast, running for miles, and after the storms we have had in the past few days the surf is really running high. Everywhere we go people are surfboarding, although very few seem to get up and ride the surf in. Maybe that's what it is about- just lying there going over the waves.

They have a place here called the Devil's Causeway, similar to the one in Northern Ireland, but not as extensive or indeed as good. However from the top there are views all the way up to Southport, and down to Byron Bay, maybe 20 miles each way. Most of it is beach, white sand and surf.
We are rather killing time here before we move on up to Brisbane to make ready for the Malaysia/Thailand trip,
To fill an evening we went to a dinner show at a wildlife park, just a couple of miles up the coast. It was mainly Aboriginal dancing, but we did see a few animals as well. The food was pretty good, mostly, and the beer was better! Just Bl****y expensive at $8 a bottle. (£5). Anne enjoyed feeding the Roos and the emu, and we got to see a Tasmanian Devil, I'll put a few pics on at the end
The dancing was OK, while we weren't allowed to photograph the Abos we were allowed to film the Torres Island Straits people, something to do with keeping an image of the people when they are dead I think. Anyway, what was very good was a toddler, maybe two years old, who could dance almost as good as her parent, mimicking their every move. It really was a delight to watch her
To fill time a trip up the coast to have a look at the various theme parks was the order of the day. We weren't very impressed- most of them were about swimming pools- wet and wild type. However as we were passing Sea World we decided to give it a whirl, and it was quite good. In particular there was a show with Jet Skis, quite sensational and daring. I didn't know Jet Skis would do somersaults! There was the usual Dolphin and shark shows, and a couple of rides. I was rather glad we got in at pensioners rates as I would have hated to pay full price!

The Koala is real-and quite cuddly. But I think she might have been a little more interested in the males of the species rather than us!

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